
Till Kleinau filmschule köln

Till Kleinau

BA Film | VFX & Animation


VFX & Animation (a. o. MONO NO AWARE)



TILL KLEINAU born 1992 in Bielefeld | 2006-2011 Nursing (DRK, Caritas) | 2011 A-levels | Many years abroad and jobs (bartender, mechanic, farm help) | 2013-2014 Internships in music and documentary film productions | 2015-2018 Bachelor's degree in Film / Digital Film Arts at the ifs

Honey. A flower cannot be faithful to a bee. It loves any effort that might carry its message for the future. The bees, as clever as before, have their own tasks to concentrate on. The secret whims of flowers have never been the hive's interest. Little baby bees speak the language of flowers first, especially in their little baby bee dreams. Once they have grown into adult bees, this language is almost completely forgotten - except for a few peculiar members of the hive who hold on to this knowledge. Occasionally, while all the workers are making their rounds in the field, these bees secretly speak in colour to the flowers. How else would the flowers learn the best recipes for this delicious nectar?

Till Kleinau

Alumnus | VFX & Animation

Showcase ifs films