
Nils Lehmbruck

Nils Lehmbruck

BA Film | Creative Producing


Producer (a. o. TONI AMONG THE STRONG)



NILS LEHMBRUCK born 1989 in Westmünsterland, kölsch since 2009 | longtime part-time jobber (newspaper messenger, supermarket jumper, city train driver and waiter/bartender) | 2006-2012 own online film magazine | after high school graduation and community service about a year of internships, mainly for television, then around 9 months working on many short films | Short excursion into studying education, then reactivation of the dream | 2012-2016 Studied Creative Producing at ifs, graduated with a Bachelor of Arts | Fell in love with the medium of film, among others through "Beetleju. through "Beetlejuice", "The Matrix", "American Beauty" and "Kill Bill" | part-time rower and passionate hobby philosopher

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