
Bastian Westholt

Bastian Westholt

BA Film | VFX & Animation


VFX & Animation (a. o. MR. MOZZARELLA)



BASTIAN WESTHOLT was born in Bergisch Gladbach, grew up in Cologne Rath-Heumar. 2012, after graduating from school, federal volunteer in the senior center TBH and trip to Ecuador. From 2013, Bachelor in Media Design at the Rheinische Fachhochschule Cologne. Takes over the art direction for the cross-media campaign of the Forum Mediendesign 2015. Works, among other things, as a web designer at agencies such as Rubinmedia and in ecommerce at Fashionista. Since 2019 studying VFX & Animation at ifs Internationale Filmschule Köln, graduating in 2023.