7 disciplines under one roof

Storytelling and the ability to work in a team – this is the focus of the film studies programme at the ifs. The Bachelor’s programme Film concentrates on teaching artistic, scientific and technical basics for professional filmmaking. In teaching, students learn what film is all about: an understanding of subject matter, dramaturgy, artistic design and production strategies. In the development of ideas and material for screenplays as well as in the realisation of film projects, the acquired knowledge and skills find their creative application – in interdisciplinary teamwork.

The Bachelor’s Programme Film offers the following specialisations: Creative Producing, Directing, Director of Photography, Editing Picture & Sound, Production Design, Screenwriting, or VFX & Animation.

In the course of their studies, the cinematic narratives and media implementations become increasingly complex and challenging, thus enabling the students to gradually gain expertise in their specialisation. Among other aspects, the programme is also designed to foster the students’ personal
development and help them find their individual artistic style and voice.

Specialist modules convey the artistic and professional know-how for the desired profession. In the project modules, projects are realised from the idea to the finished script or film. Media science modules and key qualifications impart media science knowledge and social competence.

Professors of the BA Film

Foto Prof. André Bendocchi-Alves

Prof. André Bendocchi-Alves

Professor Editing Picture & Sound

Sound Designer and Editor a. o. DER HAUPTMANN (German Film Award »Best Sound Design«, European Film Award as »European Sound Designer«), FRATRICIDE (Silver Leopard Film Award Locarno)
Foto Prof. Dr. Gundolf S. Feyermuth

Prof. Dr. Gundolf S. Freyermuth

Associate Professor Comparative Media Studies

Media Scholar and Author; Co-Founder of the Cologne Game Lab at TH Köln - University of Applied Science
Foto Prof. Katalin Gödrös

Prof. Katalin Gödrös

Professor Directing

Director a. o. MUTANTEN (a. o. Berlinale) as well as SONGS OF LOVE AND HATE (Internationalen Wettbewerb Locarno)
Foto Prof. Barbara Hennings

Prof. Barbara Hennings

Editing Picture & Sound

Honorary Professor, Editor, a. o. AIMÈE & JAGUAR, DAS SCHRECKLICHE MÄDCHEN; Awarded the »Geißendörfer Ehrenpreis für Schnitt« for Lifetime Achievement
Foto Prof. Dr. Bettina Henzler

Prof. Dr. Bettina Henzler

Professur für Filmwissenschaft

Film scholar, habilitated in film studies and aesthetic education. Author of »Filmästhetik und Vermittlung« and »Filmische Kindheitsfiguren«.
Foto Prof. Peter Herrmann

Prof. Peter Herrmann

Professor Creative Producing

Produzent a.o. NIRGENDWO IN AFRIKA (u.a. Oscar® – Bester fremdsprachiger Film, Deutscher Filmpreis – Bester Spielfilm), DIE WÜSTENBLUME (Bayerischer Filmpreis)
Foto Prof. Rolf Mütze

Prof. Rolf Mütze

Artistic Direction VFX & Animation

Visual Artist and CG/VFX Supervisor of a. o. LIEBER THOMAS (German Film Award)
Foto Prof. Ruth Olshan

Prof. Ruth Olshan

Professor Directing

Director and Screenwriter; Co-Author a. o. AUFBRUCH IN DIE FREIHEIT (Deutscher Fernsehpreis, Goldene Kamera)
Foto Prof. Jutta Pohlmann

Prof. Jutta Pohlmann

Professor Director of Photography

DoP a. o. HÖHENSTRASSE (Nominierung ROMY - Beste Bildgestaltung TV), WAS NÜTZT DIE LIEBE IN GEDANKEN (Nominierung Dt. Kamerapreis), ENGLAND! (Kamerapreis der dt. Filmkritik)
Foto Prof. Hajo Schomerus

Prof. Hajo Schomerus

Professor Non-Fictional and Fictional Cinematography

DoP a. o. DER AST AUF DEM ICH SITZE (Grimme Award), IM HAUS MEINES VATERS SIND VIELE WOHNUNGEN (German Film Critics Award – Best Documentary Film)
all people at the ifs

Good reasons to study at the ifs

  • innovative media education that reflects current developments and their aesthetic and cultural potential
  • individual and intensive support through small groups of students and a 2-year program cycle
  • excellent teaching staff of professors and lecturers consisting of renowned national and international filmmakers and scholars
  • network building during studies through a strong practical orientation and numerous contacts in the media sector
  • professional teamwork through a combination of vocational specialisation and interdisciplinary cooperation
  • intercultural experience through international cooperations with film schools from around the world
  • excellent equipment with state-of-the-art technology
  • very good career prospects: two thirds of all alumni find employment in the media industry within 3 months after graduating

Any further questions? We will be happy to help!

Janina Jansen

Coordination of interdisciplinary events


Office of Student Affairs and Examination Office

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