
Foto Prof. Katalin Gödrös

Prof. Katalin Gödrös

Professor Directing


Director a. o. MUTANTEN (a. o. Berlinale) as well as SONGS OF LOVE AND HATE (Internationalen Wettbewerb Locarno)

+49 221 920188-0


After studying at the Film Academy in Budapest (1992-1996), majoring in production, she worked as a production manager for feature films in Berlin. Under her own direction, she made several short films and finally, together with ZDF – Das kleine Fernsehspiel, her first feature film »Mutanten«, which premiered at the Berlinale in 2002. Her next feature film »Songs of Love and Hate« premiered in the International Competition in Locarno in 2010. Since 2001, Katalin Gödrös has been writing screenplays, adapting novels for the screen and directing. In addition to her ambitious author-director work, she also takes on commissioned series and television films with commitment.
For fifteen years she has taught directing and screenwriting in Berlin (dffb), Zurich (Focal, ZHDK) and is a mentor at the Drehbuchwerkstatt Zurich/Munich.
In terms of cultural policy, she works closely with the Romani Film Commission and supports the Roma Film Festival Berlin.


Author (Selection)

2020/21  Das Verschwinden des Philip S.

2020/21  In Absentia

Directing (Selection)

2019  Amen Saleikum 


2018  Tatort – Ausgezählt 

2015-2017  Der Bestatter


2016  Im Nirgendwo 


2010  Songs of Love and Hate


2002  Mutanten 


»I came to directing in a roundabout way. I wanted to make films, tell stories, create images and my own worlds. But I couldn’t identify with the image of the all-knowing, often tyrannical, self-torturing genius that I was told in my family and in society. To me, it is more important to bring talent together, to inspire and excite them, so that there is room for creative, high-quality, inspired collaboration. Directing doesn’t have to be omniscient, nor can it be. An examination of the material and one’s own ideas works in cooperation, through the appreciation of the individual trades, and makes a convincing implementation possible in the first place.«

Katalin Gödrös

Professor Directing