
Foto Hulger Buff

Holger Buff


Freelance Sound Designer (a. o. »Der Ast, auf dem ich sitze«, »Trained to See – Three Women and the War«)


In 2014 Holger Buff completed his studies in Editing Image and Sound at the ifs internationale filmschule köln GmbH, since then he has been working as a freelance sound designer in Cologne. Productions with his participation were invited to various renowned festivals, among others "Der Ast, auf dem ich sitze" (director: Luzia Schmidt) won the Grimmepreis 2021. "Louis I. King of the Sheep" (director: Markus Wulf) celebrated its premiere at the Berlinale 2022. His current projects include the feature film "Seneca - On the Creation of Earthquake" (director: Robert Schwentke) and the documentary "Trained to see" (director: Luzia Schmidt). In addition to his work as a sound designer, Holger Buff is regularly active as a lecturer and tutor in the field of film sound.

Filmography (selection)

Trained to See – Three Women and the War | 2022 | Director: Luzia Schmidt
Buba | 2022 | Director: Arne Feldhusen
Seneca – On the Creation of Earthquakes | 2022 | Director: Robert Schwentke