
Foto Johannes Schmülling
© Johannes Schmülling

Johannes Schmülling

BA Film | Director of Photography


DoP (a. o. AUSTER)

+49 170 979 6000


JOHANNES SCHMÜLLING (*1995) is Director of Photography / Cinematographer and graduated in 2021 with a Bachelor of Arts "Director of Photography" from ifs Internationale Filmschule Köln.

Looking back, my childhood was a wild visual trip. I saw specific colors for certain objects, and the images of my surroundings were burned into my mind. I wanted to get into film at an early age; I ended up behind the camera more by chance than anything else. For me, film is experimentation: exploring questions and playing out scenarios on the one hand, and on the other, constantly discovering something unusual and new visually. I appreciate radical cinematic ideas and improvisation. I particularly enjoy letting myself fall into a different world with the characters, empathizing and dancing along with the camera. I find the charm in the omission and the beauty in the reduction. I gain access to the outside perspective through the audience, which I find very enriching.

Johannes Schmülling

Alumnus & DoP

Showcase ifs films