
Laurenz Otto

Laurenz Otto

BA Film | Directing


Director (a. o. AGAINST ALL ODDS)



LAURENZ OTTO born 1994 in Jakarta, Indonesia | moved to Germany when he was three years old | 2010 guest residency in Córdoba, Argentina | 2013 high school graduation in Cologne | federal voluntary service in ambulance service | numerous part-time and mini-jobs and two aborted studies | 2016 research trip of several weeks to Indonesia | 2018-2020 performance scholarship of the ifs development association under mentorship of MMC Movies GmbH | 2017-2021 BA Film "Directing" at ifs | works as a freelancer for WDR radio play

The bottom line is dirt! All of life is dirty, riddled with grit, texture, friction and barbs. When I was kicked out of home, I was fascinated by how ice-cold pattering rain feels on the head, how much sweat burns when it gets in your eyes, and how nauseatingly sweet tears can taste when the tip of your tongue touches them. Our deep social need for meaning and order makes us strive for security and stringency in our daily lives. But when we explore the interstices of life, we find chaos, love, irrationality and urges - the whole spectrum of human beauty. To my mind, there's nothing more heroic than a living character honestly struggling for something, rubbing up against the outside world in the process and giving himself fully to the cause - like insects flying so close to the light that they burn up in it. Film for me is always a kind of search and at the same time the formulation of a potential answer: an answer that can only be found if one embarks on the journey.

Laurenz Otto

Alumnus & Director

Showcase ifs films