
Foto Nicole Mynarek
© Nicole Mynarek

Nicole Elisabeth Mynarek

MA 3D Animation for Film & Games



Nicole has enjoyed video games and animated films since childhood and wanted to gain a foothold in this industry for some time. Therefore, she started her bachelor studies in media technology at the TH Köln in 2016 to learn the basics. During this time, she had the opportunity to work on several projects. One of her projects was a jump 'n' run game for which she planned the design and created and animated the models.
After that she did an internship at a small game company and worked there as a game developer and 3D artist.
Artistic work became her passion, which is why she has now decided to educate herself in this field. For this reason, she decided to enroll in the 3D Animation for Film & Games degree program at CGL and ifs.



showcase ifs projects

Still »Bakthak«
© Kendys Ortega, Narina Allakhverdian, Nicole Mynarek and Sina Rezaeinejad