
Foto Theresa Wessel

Theresa Wessel

BA Film | Editing Picture & Sound


Author (a. o. FREEDOM)



THERESA WESSEL born in Grevenbroich in 1995, grew up in Rommerskirchen – read, wrote, sang and acted. After graduating from school in 2013, studied German and media cultural studies at the University of Cologne with a focus on film and television. Completed writing seminars, wrote autobiographical and fictional. Found love for books through HARRY POTTER, enthusiasm for film through CLOUD ATLAS, and passion for series through SHERLOCK. Since 2019 studying screenwriting at ifs Internationale Filmschule Köln, graduating in 2023.

Filmography (Selection)

ifs projects

Further Projects


2020 | Comedy Series | ARD Mediathek |
2 pilot episodes | Author in the Writers Room

Showcase ifs films and screenplays

Still »Hugo«
© Carlo Clever, Nico Mahler, Laura Münzer

Introduced: Theresa Wessel

© Sandra Schröder, Martina Di Lorenzo, Jonas Heicks