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Trigger warning: This Mentoring Programme may contain unlikable female protagonists
INTO THE WILD goes into the 3rd round
Starting December 20, film students* of all trades from the 6th semester onwards, master's students* as well as graduates* up to the 5th year after their graduation, can apply for the new cycle
In a unique initiative, six German film schools joined forces in 2016 to help young female filmmakers* enter the audiovisual media industry through intensive and early networking. Together, the Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF Film University, the ifs Internationale Filmschule Köln, the Academy of Media Arts Cologne (KHM), the University of Television and Film (HFF) Munich, the Film Academy Baden-Württemberg and the German Film and Television Academy Berlin (DFFB) launched the 12-month INTO THE WILD mentoring program, conceived by director and writer Isabell Šuba. "At some point I decided to stop just talking about inequality in the film industry and do something. 90 percent of our participants* are now working successfully and sharing their view of the world and their stories. That makes me very happy," she looks back on the two successful cohorts in 2017 and 2020. "INTO THE WILD has shown that it is possible, within a very short period of time, to train the self-image of female filmmakers* in such a way that they learn how to take the space it takes to make their projects a success and how to carry their own vision beyond the horizon. Hand in Hand. They form bonds that also carry them through the challenging time of starting a family and counteract "dropping out" of the industry."
In the meantime, not only the major German film subsidies have joined in, but also well-known production companies actively support the program with the aim of sustainably improving equal opportunities for female filmmakers in the film and TV industry. And the Hamburg Media School (HMS) is also on board as the 7th university when INTO THE WILD now invites female film students* of all trades from the 6th semester onwards, female master students* as well as female graduates up to the 5th year after their graduation to apply.
For one year, participants* are offered a protected space to work on their projects, exchange ideas with successful mentors experienced in the industry, receive coaching in workshops on topics such as self-presentation, leadership, and negotiation strategies, or repeatedly reassure themselves of their own abilities at the screenwriting camp. The acquisition of gender sensitivity and competence as well as broad networking among each other and in the industry are further focal points.
Until February 20, 2023, interested students* can apply with their ideas for long feature films and television films, documentaries, animated films, or series concepts. The focus is on new material that tells a relevant female perspective and has the potential to inspire a broad audience.
INTO THE WILD is made possible in 2023 through the support of the seven participating film schools, funding from the German Federal Film Board (FFA), the Kuratorium Junger Deutscher Film, Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg, Film- und Medienstiftung NRW, MOIN Filmförderung and FFF Bayern, as well as Studio Hamburg, Studio Zentral, MadeFor, Warner Bros. Discovery, Tobis, X-Filme Creative Pool, RED PONY PICTURES powered by Saxonia Media and Odeon Fiction.
The programme is organized by Urua Films.
There is no participation fee.
*We welcome applications from FLINTA (stands for Female, Lesbian, Intersex, Trans and Agender. It stands for anyone who is not a cis man).
INTO THE WILD - Isabell Šuba, Catalina Flórez
c/o urua Films GmbH
Plesser Str. 1, 12435 Berlin
T: +49 (0)177-3402644
E-Mail: | @intothewildmentoring
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