Marie lives in a world of order and self-discipline.
But one day she is offered dreams in a store, which she can only pay for with time. She doesn't feel able to do this, but she has to realize that she can't go on without dreams. (Based on a story by Ingeborg Bachmann)
- 15. Regensburger Kurzfilmwoche Regensburg 2008
- 28. International Cinematographers Film Festival Manaki Brothers Bitola, Macedonien 2007
- Moosburger Filmnächte 2007
- 19. Filmfest Dresden 2007
- 8. Landshuter Kurzfilmfestival Landshut 2007
- 11. International Student Film Festival Tel Aviv, Israel 2006
- »Starthilfe« Internationaler Filmkongress der Filmstiftung NRW und der Cologne Conference
»Spectrum Junger Film« Köln 2006
- 29. Grenzland-Filmtage Selb 2006
- FILMZ Festival des deutschen Kinos Mainz 2006
- 36th Molodist Kyiv International Film Festival Ukraine 2006
- 8th International Festival of Student Film Belgrad, Serbien und Montenegro 2006
- Festival européen du court-métrage insolite et fantastique Rennes, Frankreich 2006
- 2. Festival Internacional de Cine de Monterey Mexiko 2006