Killer Mom

Killer Mom

A young woman struggles to live her best life while juggling unexpected pregnancy and her job as a contract killer.


Bella is an up-and-coming contract killer, who recently turned 30 and finally feels like she’s getting the hang of the whole »adulting« thing. She lives a glorious life in Berlin, filled with constant travelling and casual romantic encounters with the most eligible bachelor among the international assassins. Her mom desperately wants her to settle down and get a nice job at the local IKEA, but Bella has no such plans. When she signs a contract with the coveted assassin agency, she thinks her life couldn’t get more perfect. Murphy’s law and the rules of dramaturgy dictate that in this exact moment she learns that she’s pregnant.
Despite all expectations, Bella decides to keep the baby and keep working, which goes against the rules of the strangely bureaucratic world of contract killing. She has only a couple of months to prove her worth until the secret’s out, and the only person who knows this – a bitter crime scene cleaner – uses this to blackmail her. To make matters worse, Bella is not sure who is the father of the child – a commitment-phobic star assassin, or the boring but stable guy from her hometown. She also needs to deal with her main competitor: her »frenemy« Oxana, a classic male-fantasy bad-ass heroine who does all her hits in ridiculous high heels, full face make­up, and never wears a sports bra.
Miraculously, Bella still succeeds in completing a trans-European killing spree and in taking down a malicious competitor assassin agency, all the while growing an actual human being in her belly. As if being an assassin wasn’t complicated enough, imagine stalking your targets while constantly needing to pee, wearing a custom-made kevlar vest around your baby bump, and dealing with raging hormones that make you so soft and weepy that you start wondering if your victims might deserve a second chance.
Killer Mom is an offbeat dark comedy that explores the questions of modern womanhood in a heightened reality setting. It offers a millennial twist on the age-old question: can women have it all? But this is not a binary question anymore, it’s about the choices we make in general. Can I have both my career and my family? My personal hobbies and a baby? Avocado toast for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and a slim figure.


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