Once Upon a Time Gypsies Film
© Driss Azhari

Once Upon a Time Gypsies

In their junkyard, the gypsies live a comfortable life. They make music, sing or they just hang around and do nothing. When they are hungry, they steal or sell flowers. Nevertheless, like any society, they have their problems... and like any society, they have their dreamer.

Ramko the gypsy boy is not just a dreamer. He is an artist, a technician and an inventor. His dream is to go to America and become an astronaut. For this, he works on a broken tractor with which he wants to start the journey. When he realizes that only the right use of time can help him fix the tractor, there is no turning back. Neither for him, nor for the gypsy girl Bluma, whom he takes with him on the way.

awards & Festivals

- Nominated for the Cologne Design Price 2016



Director / Script

Raluca Maria Rusu


Jonas Böhler

Florian Müssener

DoP / Editing

Driss Azhari

Sound Design

Marcel Knuth

Production Design

Saskia van de Calseijde

Costume Design

Elisabeth Burgmer


Zejhun Demirov
Livia Ruiz Rosas
Sabrina Hodzic
Maria Theresa Ruiz Rosas
Wolfgang Decker- Tykwer
Drago Riter
Rudolf Rumstajn

Once Upon a Time Gypsies Film
© Driss Azhari
Once Upon a Time Gypsies Film
© Driss Azhari
Once Upon a Time Gypsies Film
© Driss Azhari