Mood »Sonder«


Over the span of a summer, "Sonder" tells of encounters that can make a difference.

How many people do we actually meet every day? How many stories do we have an influence on? Which encounters touch us? That's what Mia (22), Ella (23), Conley (25) and Louis (23) are asking themselves. And each of them has his own theory. Louis is sure that everything is based on coincidence. Mia believes in fate. Conley believes that every decision he makes has an impact on his life. And Ella thinks she doesn't deserve to be close to anyone.

The four of them meet at a meeting place: a café in Cologne's main train station. Mia and Ella work there, Conley and Louis are passing through. At first glance, they are all very different: Mia is open and loud, Ella closed and quiet, Conley confident and charming, and Louis insecure and dreamy. But there is something that connects them - and makes them become friends.

"Sonder" gives not just one answer to the questions that are asked, but four. We experience the story from alternating perspectives. With the help of the others, all four characters go through a development they would never have believed in before. The story is about the magic of everyday life and about people like you and me. Everyone can change.


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