
Foto Annalena Liesner
© ifs

Annalena Liesner

BA Film | Creative Producing



ANNALENA LIESNER born and raised in Cologne, she studied media management at the University of Cologne and graduated with a Bachelor's degree in 2020. During her studies, she worked as a broadcasting assistant at Radio Köln. Found her way to moving image through several internships in film and television editing and production, including at Sat 1./NRW. She then studied Film & Sound for two semesters at the University of Applied Sciences in Dortmund and worked as a student trainee at WDR. She gained further experience through projects in the fields of music videos, documentaries and fictional short films. She worked in particular in production, partly also in editing. Self-employed as a production manager and producer. In 2021 she worked in casting for the ZDF small television play "Geranien". Studying at ifs since 2021.

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