
David Kade

David Kade

BA Film | Creative Producing





DAVID KADE born 1990 in Hamm | 2009 high school graduation | 2010-2015 bachelor studies architecture at the FH Dortmund | 2011-2015 jobs and internships in photography, graphic design, architecture | 2015 rediscovery of passion for film | jobs on set, equipment, interior props | 2015-2019 bachelor studies film / creative producing at the ifs | 2016-2017 scholarship holder of the VFF Verwertungsgesellschaft der Film- und Fernsehproduzenten | 2016-2018 student assistant for Prof. Dr. Lisa Gotto (film history and film analysis, ifs) | jobs on set in the production department

further projects


Rest my Heart

2018 | Feature Film

Zu Gast bei Frau Kleiner

2016 | Short Film | 2 min.

Production Assistance

Ein anderer

2017 | Short Film | 30 min.

The very title of an aphorism by T. W. Adorno is an image for the plight of many current filmmakers: Asylum for the Homeless. Under the free skies of the free market, the search for a safe place to stay, a niche, is crucial for all those who not only want to produce content, but create works of art. Of course, film is also entertainment! But the fact that anyone who doesn't want to drift into the craft of art is in a constant struggle and yet can never resolve the existing contradictions is what Adorno concludes by describing as follows: "There is no right life in the wrong one." Yet time and again the struggle pays off. Something of significance emerges that interests people, touches them, and teaches them something - conceived by people who do not see Adorno's conclusion as an excuse to resign themselves to what exists. I would like to be such a filmmaker.

David Kade

Alumnus & Producer

Showcase ifs films