
Jade Li

Jade Li

BA Film | Directing


Director (a. o. ROTTEN CANDY)



JADE LI born 1994 in Hamburg | 2008-2009 school in Santa Fe, New Mexico, majoring in drama | 2010 surgical internship in Damascus | 2011 A-levels Hamburg | 2011-2013 DAAD scholarship for acting studies at the Beijing Film Academy (in Chinese) | 2013 work as assistant director for German production company in Beijing, including production of two documentaries in Tibet and China and shooting of first own short film, financed by CCTV | spring 2014 shooting of own documentary about a humanitarian project in Gambia | summer 2014 internship at BBC in Edinburgh | fall 2014 studies at Cambridge School of Art in "Film & TV Production" | spring 2015 tango/Spanish studies in Buenos Aires | 2015- 2018 bachelor studies film / directing at ifs

At the beginning of every new era, new stories emerge that become the basis for a changed way of thinking and feeling. Increasingly, voices are being heard that have not been heard before. For me as a woman, this means telling stories also from a female perspective and creating films in which women are not objects of the male gaze, but see for themselves. New perspectives and forms of expression develop from the diversity of our world. To show a world that no one has seen yet is my greatest challenge.

Jade Li

Alumna & Director

Showcase ifs films