
Maria Hartig

Maria Hartig

BA Film | Editing Picture & Sound


Editing and Sound Design (a. o. THE COLOUR)



MARIA HARTIG born 1994 in Aschaffenburg | experimented with various editing programs already in her school days and ran a YouTube channel | 2013 Abitur | 2013-2014 internship in the archive research and rights department at Gruppe 5 Filmproduktion GmbH, where she worked on several ZDF productions | 2015-2018 BA Film "Editing Picture & Sound" at ifs

Film is emotion for me. Editing allows me to control emotions. I can influence whether a scene or a character is perceived as funny or sad, exciting or vicious. It's also a way for me to put myself in other people's shoes and explore their inner selves: How do characters react to different statements, looks, and gestures? How does someone react at a particular moment? How can I make this believable? But not only what we see is important, but also what we hear. The film really comes to life with the right atmosphere and the right sounds. All these aspects are very important to me with regard to the story, because I want to reach the audience, make them think, cry and laugh.

Maria Hartig

Alumna & Editor

Showcase ifs films