
Nicolay Gutscher
Cameraman/DOP, Camera Operator (a. o. »Nord bei Nordwest«, »Unter anderen Umständen«)
Nicolay Gutscher was born in Pforzheim and works mainly as an image designer for German television productions.
After a classical professional training as a commercial and industrial photographer, he worked as a 1st camera assistant from 1995 to 2014 and then as an operator and 2nd unit DoP on German and international cinema and television productions.
In his work as a DoP, he shot "Zeit der Helden", "Spreewaldkrimi" and "Aufbruch ins Ungewisse" (director: Kai Wessel), "Die Himmelsleiter" (director: Carlo Rola), "Unter anderen Umständen" (director: Judith Kennel), "Nord bei Nordwest" (director: Judith Kennel) and many other productions with Thomas Roth, Ulrike Hamacher, Franziska Mayer Price and Thomas Nennstiel, among others.