
Robin Pfister

Robin Pfister

BA Film | VFX & Animation


VFX & Animation (a. o. CIRCUS IN TOWN)



ROBIN PFISTER born 1998 in Balingen | Always drawn, photographed, filmed and made music | After graduating from high school in 2016, worked at Deutsche Post and travelled through Vietnam | 2017-2021 Bachelor of Film / VFX & Animation at the ifs

Further Projects


2019 | 2D Animation | 1 min. | dPV Charity Video Award

2017 | 2D Animation Film | 2 min.

YouTube Channel

Drawing, films, music, technology, science - all things I like very much. With animation, I have found something with which I can combine these interests. The possibilities of the art form range from fictional stories to documentary visualisations. Because computer animation is still quite young, the process behind animation is in constant and rapid development. Among other things, artificial neural networks have found their way into animation. For example, there are already algorithms that can imitate the style of artists like Van Gogh, create caricatures or even produce their own creative output. In order not to let machines take my work away, I feel compelled to constantly look for new ways. At the same time, I find it exciting to guide and train the computer in such a way that it takes the repetitive tasks off my hands, allowing me to focus on the essential core, namely the idea, conception and design.

Robin Pfister

Alumnus | VFX & Animation

Showcase ifs films