Familienaufnahmen für den Dokumentarilm von ifs-Student Luca Novelli
© Luca Novelli

Family Matters

Family means security and refuge. Then, gathered in small apartments with many people, today in houses with just a few people.

Lost in nostalgia, the documentary showcases old family recordings of unity, joy, birthdays, Christmas, and many other celebrations. The recordings are accompanied by the voice of an elderly man who tells his nephew about the joy he once had in life and how the roots of the family have gradually dissolved since his wife passed away. After her death, there were fewer and fewer reasons for the family to come together and celebrate.

- 59. Werkstatt der Jungen Filmszene 2024

Familienaufnahmen aus der Doku von ifs-Student Luca Novelli
© Luca Novelli
Familienaufnahmen aus der Doku von ifs-Student Luca Novelli
© Luca Novelli