Abschlussdrehbuch Aylin Alici


Lou is 25 years old and has already had a secret for years

Her large scar on her cheek is not one. After all, she's had it since childhood. Her anger management problems aren't either. You can always see her scurrying into the elevator or the bathroom to scream out loud. Her difficult relationship with her mother Marie, who works at the same theater as hers, isn't one either. How can anyone blame her for constantly conveying that she's not good enough? Nor is it the fact that this is why she turned down the offer to be the lead costume designer for this year's performance. No, word got out very quickly on all floors. Her secret has long white hair, perfect timing, and her name is Juna. Her childhood friend always comes to visit at the right moment. As usual, she nests with Lou and helps her get back on her feet. It seems like they were never apart. Juna motivates her to make a dress that even ends up getting her a new job.

Far away from her mother, who already suspects that Juna is back in her daughter's life. Marie, in fact, can't stand Juna. Every day she is reminded of her. By the scar, which was created at that time during an argument about Juna. Lou and Juna can't help it. They merge with each other. But when Juna suddenly accuses her of still seeking her mother's validation, everything happens very quickly. Juna is lying in the bathtub. Lifeless and strangled. Lou is sitting on top of her. Panicked and calm at the same time. And wonders, "Is it really murder if she only exists in my imagination?"