
Foto Nils Nißing
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Nils Nißing

BA Film | VFX & Animation





NILS NIßING born in 1991 in the Ruhr area | 2011 Technical school-leaving certificate as ITA (computer science) | Part-time job as a fine electronics technician in a sat nav repair shop | Three semesters of computer science studies at the Westphalian University of Applied Sciences | 2014 Internship in a recording studio, music video productions and motion graphics under RedBeard-Design | 2015-2018 Bachelor's degree in Film / Digital Film Arts at the ifs | 2017 Internship as CGI artist RISEFX | 2018 Tutor at the ifs for texturing in Mari

further projects


true demon

2018 | Webserie

black panther

2018 | 134 Min.


2017 | Serie


2017 | 15-20 Min.


2017 | 106 Min.

When I was a child, I used to turn on the TV at night to watch horror movies. When it got too scary for me, I would hide under the comforter. I immersed myself in another world. I always imagined what the creatures, zombies or monsters would look like. Today, I take a closer look: What scares people, what scares me? I still disappear into another world, but now I visualize and share my thoughts in digital images. From childlike superheroes to disgusting horror scenes, everything is included. During a five-month internship, I was able to gain experience in the US blockbuster industry.

Nils Nißing

Alumnus and VFX-artist

Showcase ifs-Filme