

The Bachelor's program Film accepts new students every two years starting in the winter semester. Admission takes place in a two-stage procedure.
The two-stage application procedure consists of:

  • An online application with specialization-specific application tasks.
  • An entrance examination to take place at the ifs.

Candidates are selected on the basis of the submitted online applications and invited to the entrance examination. In this two-stage procedure, applicants must demonstrate their artistic and creative aptitude in relation to the BA Film program and their desired specialization.


  • General college or university qualifications
  • In the case college or university qualifications are not available and the applicant displays strong artistic aptitude, the required general qualifications will be determined in a separate procedure. To ensure that the education certificates and diplomas acquired abroad comply with the admission requirements of the ifs (higher education qualifications), applicants can get information at the following link:
  • Very good knowledge of German
  • At the time of application, prospective foreign students must demonstrate at least a B2 language level. Once accepted to the program, students must successfully complete the DSH-2 exam (German language proficiency test for university admission).
  • Good English language skills
  • The application tasks must be completed in German.

The ifs is a cooperation partner of the University of Applied Science Cologne. As a BA student at the ifs, it is not generally necessary to enroll at the University of Applied Science Cologne. However, this can prove useful if you wish to take advantage of services offered by the University of Applied Science Cologne, such as the »Semester-Ticket« for public transport, access to the University of Applied Science Cologne International Office or to its sports facilities. Enrollment at the University of Applied Science Cologne is mandatory for non-EU citizens.
Students from certain countries need a visa and/or a residence permit. To obtain a residency permit, foreign students must demonstrate sufficient funds to secure their living expenses. The amount required is equivalent to the Bafög maximum rate of 861 euros per month, calculated for one year.


To ensure that the education certificates and diplomas acquired abroad comply with the admission requirements of the ifs (higher education qualifications), applicants can get information at the following link:
To obtain a residency permit, foreign students must demonstrate sufficient funds to secure their living expenses. The amount required is equivalent to the Bafög maximum rate of 861 euros per month, calculated for one year.
Citizens of member states of the European Union, the European Economic Area (EEA) – that is Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein – as well as Switzerland have equal legal status on the labor market as German citizens. This means that they have the same access to the labor market as German students and are permitted to work as much as they would like to without having to obtain prior approval of German authorities. Students are advised, however, not to work longer than 20 hours a week, as you would have to pay social insurance contributions should you exceed this number of hours.
International students from countries which are NOT member states of the EU, the EEA or Switzerland are normally permitted to work 120 full or 240 half days per year if they are in possession of a valid residence permit for Germany. The immigration office will record these provisions in your residence permit. Should you wish to work more days per year, you will need to obtain approval from your immigration office and the German Federal Employment Agency.

Since the Bachelor's ProgramME Film is a German-language programme, please find all further information on the German-language page.

Any further questions? We will be happy to help!