
Foto Cedric Engels
© Twentytwo Film

Cedric Engels

BA Film | Creative Producing


Producer (a. o. ROCKET ROACHES), content creator and science YouTuber (DOKTOR WHATSON)



CEDRIC ENGELS born 1996 in Düsseldorf | 2014 Abitur | 2015-2018 Bachelor's Degree Programme in Film / Creative Producing at the ifs | Started his YouTube channel Doktor Whatson in 2015, which now has over 300,000 subscribers | Founded the production company TWENTYTWO Film GmbH in Cologne in 2018, which focuses on knowledge transfer and science communication | 2020 Holtzbrinck Prize for Science Journalism | 2023 Grimme Online Award | Repeated collaborations with the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the Max Planck Society and ART

Further Projects

Production & Content Creation

DOKTOR WATSON [YouTube-Channel]
over 300,000 subscribers and nearly 40 million views on 300 videos

DOKTOR WHATSON is one of the most influential science YouTubers in Germany and combines well-founded journalism, science and entertainment.

Today, we are living in the most exciting phase of human history to date. Every day, scientists discover new things about us and the world we live in. I am fascinated by the progress of humanity, where we come from and where we are going. And I want to infect others with this fascination. During my studies, I produced some documentaries and built up a YouTube channel in parallel. On "Doctor Whatson" I talk about physics, technology and everything that will affect us in the future. My videos have already been viewed over four million times, and I have over 300,000 subscribers waiting for even more videos. That's why I'm building a team in Cologne: to reach even more people and to be able to realize exciting projects in new and old media.

Cedric Engels

Alumnus, Producer, Content Creator

Showcase ifs films