
Foto Mick Mahler
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Mick Mahler

BA Film | VFX & Animation


VFX & Animation (u. a. ROCKET ROACHES)



MICK MAHLER born 1995 in Hamburg | Always drawing, crafting and making music | During his school years, he made short films and animations for his own YouTube channel "Physically Shaken" | Participated in short film competitions | After graduating from high school in 2013, first as an intern, later as an editor at the video game magazine "Reload" (EinsPlus) | 2015-2018 Bachelor's degree in Film / Digital Film Arts at the ifs | Since 2017 scholarship from the German Academic Scholarship Foundation

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2017 | 106 Min.

I came to film via drawing. Static images were no longer enough for me, so I started with cartoons and then ended up in 3D animation via short films and visual effects. During my studies, I got to know many other techniques and programs and was able to professionalize my skills. It's very easy to get lost in the wealth of possibilities, which is why it has always been important to me to always keep an overview in order to implement projects in the most efficient way. Despite my enthusiasm for technology, the concept always comes first for me. Because if the story is no good, every visual effect degenerates into a technical gimmick. However, if effects and animation are used to support the story, unprecedented stories can be told. And that's exactly the kind of story I want to tell.

Mick Mahler

Alumnus & VFX-artist

Showcase ifs-Films