
Foto Friederike Dörffler

Friederike Dörffler

BA Film | Editing Picture & Sound


Editing and Sound Design (a. o. THE SCREAM)



FREDERICE DÖRFFLER born 1995 in Freiburg | 2012 Abitur (seminar course film & television) | with trumpet in orchestras and bands on the road from Malta to Great Britain, among others in an ensemble that accompanied silent films live in cinemas | 2012-2014 internship and employment in media agency Freier & Partner: camera and editing for image films and business TV | four months in New Zealand, lost her heart to films and images | internship at earlybirdpictures | sideline as actress on stage | 2015-2018 BA Film "Editing Picture & Sound" at ifs

Further Projects


Older Brothers

2018 | Documentary Film | 45 min.


2015 | Dokumentary Film | 90 min.

Image films/Product videos a. O. FOR Roche, Kühne, Technocrane, SPD

2012 - 2018

I cut like I cook: damn tasty, well seasoned and attractively presented! In general, my two passions can be compared perfectly: After the ingredients are procured, I explore my options in processing, depending on the richness and quality. I read the idea behind the composition, think about the best approach, create a coherent structure and basis. Once this is in place, I can get creative, combine, I can add spices and also decide what unfortunately will not end up in the pan. In the end, there may not be exactly the dish on the table that was conceived while shopping, writing or shooting - but the version of it that I have seasoned in the best possible way!

Friederike Dörffler

Alumna & Editor

Showcase ifs films