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Numerous projects by ifs alumni and professors can be seen at the upcoming Berlinale:
Perspektive Deutsches Kino
The Perspektive Deutsches Kino section opens with the film »Sieben Winter in Teheran« (D: S. Niederzoll), which documents a judicial scandal in Iran.
The documentary »Vergiss Meyn Nicht« (D: F. Fragale, K. Kuhlendahl, J. Mühlhoff), is based on original footage of a film student who fell and died from a tree house in Hambach Forest during a police eviction.
Both films are produced by MADE IN GERMANY, the production company of ifs alumna Melanie Andernach and Knut Losen.
In »Ararat« (photo) by director and ifs graduate Engin Kundag, a family drama marked by sexual aggression and speechlessness plays out at the foot of the extinct volcano Ararat.
»Geranien« (D: T. Egens) poses the question of whether daughters remain daughters when they become mothers themselves. ifs graduate Mike Fuhrmann was on hand to direct the film, and ifs student Annalena Liesner was responsible for casting.
Berlinale Special
Funded by the film foundation, the movie »Seneca« (D: R. Schwentke) celebrates its world premiere in the Berlinale Special series. Prof. André Bendochi-Alves is responsible for the sound design, ifs alumnus Holger Buff for the Foleys and alumnus Sven Hagl was involved as 3D Artist, Accenture Song VFX.
The Panorama section features »Sisi & Ich«, funded by the Film- und Medienstiftung NRW and supported by alumni Elisabeth Feltes (production coordinator) and Lukas Sydney Loßdörfer (assistant editor).
Also screening in the Panorama section is »The Siren«, for which Prof. Sophia Zauner was involved in rigging supervision and rigging as well as Pipeline TD, and »Inside« for which ifs alumnus Thorsten Sabel is responsible for set design, supported by ifs alumni Markus Schütz (art director), Heike Steen (set decorator) and Cedric Engelbrecht (set assistant). Prof. Rolf Mütze is responsible for the visual effects as VFX Executive Producer with his company LAVAlabs.
Anna Maria Böhm, student from the Master's program Serial Storytelling, is guest of »Der Serien-Wrap« on Feb. 24 at 11:30 a.m. at the Berlinale. Then, in conversation with Julia Fidel (Head of Berlinale Series), she will report on her impressions of Berlinale Series events and screenings during the festival. The other guests - series experts Sven Miehe, Max Hauff, Hanna Huge and student Nathalie Klein - will also discuss the selection of series for the Berlinale 2023, current series high and lowlights and the most interesting German series developments.
The »Netzwerk Inklusion« of ProQuoteFilm, the film team of »Was wir wollen«, Crew United and the initiative »Cast Me In« of casting-network invite to a panel at the Berlinale on Feb. 16 at 2 p.m. in the Kesselhaus of the Kulturbrauerei on the topic »Struktureller Ableismus? Wenn Filmschaffende mit Behinderung nicht versichert werden …« (transl."Structural Ableism? When filmmakers with disabilities are not insured ..."). Discussion guests include ifs student Leonard Grobien and ifs alumnus Christian Zipfel. Participation in the event is free of charge, registration is requested.
As part of the Screenwriters Lounge - the meeting point for screenwriters during the Berlinale - Nadja Radojevic (Management ifs), Carolin Grosse Hellmann (Head of Serial Storytelling ifs) and Julie Skaufel (graduate, screenwriter & showrunner) will present the European Showrunner Program at the ifs and discuss the current situation for showrunners in the European series market together with lecturer, author and showrunner Marianne Wendt (»Eden«/»Neumatt«). The event, organized by the VDD Association of Screenwriters, will take place on Feb. 18, 2023 at 3:30 p.m. at the Verein Berliner Künster.
On Feb. 20 at 1 p.m., Fitore Muzaqi, a student of MA Serial Storytelling at ifs, will participate in the "Netflix Writing Academy: People of Color Writers Incubator", an initiative of Netflix, DFFB and Panthertainment, in the Screewriters Lounge.