event / Pitch

Series Pitch at Seriencamp

Talent in Progress

ifs Series Showcase @ Seriencamp


Talent in Progress: ifs Series Showcase

short pitches of shows developed at ifs

Thursday, 6 June 2024 | 4:15 to 5:00 p.m.
Cinenova | Theatre 2 | Herbrandstraße 2 | 50825 Cologne

Meet tomorrow's series makers from all over the world and join us for a sneak peek into shows currently developed at ifs. The projects range from mini series to digital short formats and from prime-time drama to experimental docu series. Their ensembles include cage fighters, poets or germophobic vampires in stories spanning from feminist coming of age to small town heist and from jungle adventure to biopic.
This fun session offers insights into various writing projects from different stages in the curricula of ifs study programmes MA Serial Storytelling, BA Film/Screenwriting, and BA Film/Creative Producing. Most importantly, it provides a platform for emerging series writers and producers from ten countries to share their works in progress.
The pitch will be moderated by Prof. Dr. Joachim Friedmann, professor for Serial Storytelling at ifs Internationale Filmschule Köln.

Please note that an accreditation for Seriencamp is required.
In English language.