The Master of Arts in 3D Animation for Film & Games is a project-oriented cooperative study programme of the Cologne Game Lab of the TH Köln (University of Applied Sciences) and the ifs Internationale Filmschule Köln. It allows students to pursue their career in the media industry, while at the same time expanding their expertise in 3D animation in such areas as design, technology and dramaturgy within an academic context.
The course of study covers animated movies, digital games and immersive technologies, such as virtual reality and augmented reality consequently granting students the opportunity to discover unique forms of creative expression and fresh professional perspectives. In the age of converging media, animated imageries as well as their production gain complexity, therefore, creating new challenges for 3D artists.
The MA 3D Animation for Film & Games prepares students for this dynamic working environment through a clear hands-on approach, cooperation with the industry and a wide portfolio of media theory, ultimately enabling them to shape the evolving field between linear and non-linear productions.