The Master of Arts in 3D Animation for Film & Games is a project-oriented cooperative study programme of the Cologne Game Lab of the TH Köln (University of Applied Sciences) and the ifs Internationale Filmschule Köln. It allows students to pursue their career in the media industry, while at the same time expanding their expertise in 3D animation in such areas as design, technology and dramaturgy within an academic context.

The course of study covers animated movies, digital games and immersive technologies, such as virtual reality and augmented reality consequently granting students the opportunity to discover unique forms of creative expression and fresh professional perspectives. In the age of converging media, animated imageries as well as their production gain complexity, therefore, creating new challenges for 3D artists.

The MA 3D Animation for Film & Games prepares students for this dynamic working environment through a clear hands-on approach, cooperation with the industry and a wide portfolio of media theory, ultimately enabling them to shape the evolving field between linear and non-linear productions.


Work on personal and group projects supervised by professors and tutors.

Character Creation, Story & Performance, Immersive Animation (Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality)

Media-theoretical knowledge of the transformative aspects of digitalisation and its consequences for art, research and society

The development of animation from its analogue origins to a computer-generated art form

Project-oriented skills in programming languages and game engines


The MA 3D Animation for Film & Games is a part-time study programme. During the lecture period students will attend 12 hours of seminars, lectures and mentoring sessions per week. These will take place on Mondays (all day) and Wednesday evenings. The self-study time varies, but students should plan for at least 12 hours per week to do their project work and to prepare for or follow up on classes.

Students are explicitly encouraged to pursue their career in the media industry while taking part in the programme. Based on experience the working hours should, however, not exceed 24 hours per week.

The workload is calculated with credit points according to the principles of the European Credit Transfer System.

120 ECTS must be acquired in the Master of Arts (M.A.).

Please note: 30 ECTS will be awarded for the successful completion of the application process.



Foto Prof. Björn Bartholdy
© Cologne Game Lab

Björn Bartholdy

Professur Media Design

Mitbegründer des Cologne Game Lab der TH Köln, Project Lead Virtual Bauhaus, Goethestrasse 56, Games Technology Network
Foto Prof. Rolf Mütze

Prof. Rolf Mütze

Künstlerische Leitung VFX & Animation

Visual Artist und CG/VFX Supervisor u. a. von LIEBER THOMAS (Deutscher Filmpreis)
Foto Prof. Sophia Zauner

Prof. Sophia Zauner

Professur 3D Animation für Film und non-lineare Medien

Animatorin, Character Technical Director, CG Supervisor, u. a. DIE HÄSCHENSCHULE 2, TRIP TO THE MOON

Any further questions? We will be happy to help!

Dr. Laura Frings

Programme Managerin MA 3D Animation for Film & Games am Cologne Game Lab

+49 221 82754296