»How to be a staff writer; or, why there is no I in team.«
Lawrence Meyers, Inside the TV Writers’ Room

The MA Serial Storytelling at the ifs Internationale Filmschule Köln is Europe’s first and only international Master’s Programme focusing on collaborative writing for series.
Focusing on both local and international series markets, this intensive two-year master's degree programme combines story development skills, collaboration techniques (»Writers’ Room«), and the innovative approach of artistic research.

Students work with highly acclaimed international guest speakers and scholars, such as James Manos (Sopranos, Dexter), Jane Espenson (Game of Thrones, Battlestar Galactica), Matt Hastings (The Handmaid’s Tale), Bob Konrad (Kleo), Denise Harkavy (The Expanse), Philip Käßbohrer and Matthias Murmann (How To Sell Drugs Online [Fast]), Annette Hess (The Interpreter of Silence, Ku’damm 56/59/63), Tyron Ricketts (Sam – A Saxon), Frank Spotnitz (X-Files, The Man in the High Castle), Hagai Levi (The Affair, In Treatment), Jeppe Gjervig Gram (Borgen, Follow the Money), Pilar Alessandra (On the Page), Laurie Hutzler (Nine Powers), and many more.

The programme is supported by industry partners such as RTL Media Group, ZDF, Paramount+, btf bildundtonfabrik, Network Movie, Series Mania, Seriencamp, and the Film Festival Cologne.


The Master's programme »MA Serial Storytelling« guides young professionals in exploring, conquering, and expanding forms and methods of serial narration for TV and digital platforms. Accompanied by renowned series creators, script consultants, and media scholars, the students analyse the secrets behind the success of popular series and develop their own innovative series concepts. Series dramaturgy, character development, and collaborative writing processes (»Writers' Room«) are at the centre of their practical work.
In addition to narrative and media-theoretical content, the programme conveys the basics of transnational markets and new media platforms, also supports the students in exploring innovative narrative forms, work structures, and distribution channels.

With a strong focus on collaboration skills and innovative strategies, the MA Serial Storytelling provides aspiring series writers with exceptional learning experiences:

Relevant Skills for a Wide Range of Career Paths

  • acquire a wide-ranging skill set that combines the tools of professional screenwriters and an in-depth knowledge of creative teamwork
  • master models and methods of serial storytelling formats

Hands-on Experience

  • develop 4-5 series projects with different formats over four semesters
  • create fascinating characters, compelling ensembles, surprising plots, and sustainable concepts
  • master key soft skills such as pitching, networking, and negotiating
  • gain hands-on experience in collaborative as well as individual screenwriting, including the creation of a complete drama series within a writers’ room led by an expert professional showrunner

Industry Insights and Networking Opportunities

  • learn from highly acclaimed international writers, producers, showrunners and executives such as James Manos (Sopranos, Dexter), Jane Espenson (Game of Thrones, Battlestar Galactica), Matt Hastings
    (The Handmaid’s Tale), Bob Konrad (Kleo), Denise Harkavy (The Expanse), Philip Käßbohrer and Matthias Murmann (How To Sell Drugs Online [Fast]), Annette Hess (The Interpreter of Silence, Ku’damm 56/59/63), Tyron Ricketts (Sam – A Saxon), Frank Spotnitz (X-Files, The Man in the High Castle), Hagai Levi (The Affair, In Treatment), Jeppe Gjervig Gram (Borgen, Follow the Money), Pilar Alessandra (On the Page), Laurie Hutzler (Nine Powers), and many more.

  • enjoy privileged networking and pitching opportunities, e.g. at international series festivals such as Seriencamp and Series Mania

Artistic Research and the Social Responsibility of the Storyteller

  • explore philosophical and ethical topics and expanding the knowledge of serial storytelling in academic as well as artistic research projects
  • discuss pressing social issues as well as current trends and visions of future series markets, formats, and ways of distribution with acclaimed experts from various fields
  • transform these findings into exciting, innovative, and relevant serial narratives.

For most courses, the group of 16 students comes together. Consequently, the vast majority of classes in this programme are conducted in English.

However, for more elaborate writing projects and for classes geared to specific series markets, students may split into two tracks:  In these specific cases, students of the international track study in English, targeting international audiences, while students of the German-language track study and write in German, with a focus on German-language series markets.

From the beginning of their studies, MA Serial Storytelling students start expanding their professional network by meeting creatives and gatekeepers from the industry as guest lecturers, when pitching their semester and Master’s projects, and during in-house industry events. In addition, they enjoy privileged networking and pitching opportunities, e.g. at international series festivals such as Seriencamp or Film Festival Cologne.

Talented aspiring series writers with advanced teamwork skills, an interest in academic and creative research, and at least one year of relevant work experience.

Series writers are skilled professionals who are able to combine top-level creative work with the ever-changing demands of markets, audiences, schedules and budgets. They know how to create characters, arenas, themes, and stories that engage audiences across multiple episodes and seasons. They are excellent team players and can deliver high quality scripts on time. As the job profile of a series writer varies from country to country, the MA Serial Storytelling aims to equip aspiring writers with the skills needed to write both independently and as part of a collaborative writing team, focusing on the US writers’ room model.


By intertwining theory and practice – and in frequent exchange with the series industry – the MA Serial Storytelling sets out to combine screenwriting craft with collaborative story development techniques, and artistic research with creative experimentation and socially relevant topics.

Semester 1: Recap and Introduction

  • Recap Screenwriting Tools
  • Series History
  • Introduction to Series Writing
  • Analysis of Existing Series Formats
  • Introduction to Collaborative Story Development
  • Digital Short Formats
  • The Social Responsibility of the Storyteller

Semester 2: Mastering Existing Series Formats

  • Writing for Existing Series Formats
  • Writers’ Room Techniques
  • Developing Contemporary Series Formats Collaboratively
  • The Social Responsibility of the Storyteller

Semester 3: Innovation and Artistic Research

  • Research Project
  • AI in Serial Storytelling
  • Writers’ Lab
  • New Media / Transmedia / Interactive Storytelling
  • Developing Innovative Series Formats Collaboratively
  • The Social Responsibility of the Storyteller

Semester 4: Master’s Project and Bridging

  • Master’s Project
  • Business Skills
  • Bridging

The MA Serial Storytelling is a 120 credit points (ECTS) full-time two-year master’s degree programme. In the first three semesters, attendance on campus is required for a period of approx. 15 weeks per semester, with classes running five days a week from 10 am to 4 or 5 pm. In-between lecture periods there are extensive writing assignments. During the fourth semester, which is dedicated to writing the Master’s project, there are approximately six weeks of compulsory attendance, including colloquia and presentations.

Each module is concluded with an exam in the form of a (creative or academic) writing assignment or an oral presentation.

The programme concludes with the master's project: an original series concept and pilot script. This written exam is supplemented by an oral examination (colloquium).

In the colloquium, students elaborate on their dramaturgical choices and on other aspects of their series projects.

After successful completion of both the written and the oral part of the Master's examination, the academic degree »Master of Arts« (M. A.) is awarded.


Media Hub Cologne and NRW

Cologne, a city with a 2000 year heritage, is a buzzing media hub. A third of Germany’s TV programs are produced in Cologne. Key TV and radio stations, numerous renowned film and TV production companies, and more than 70 print and digital publishing companies are based in the city, drawing a creative and artistic crowd. In addition, a large and still growing number of exciting international productions are made in Cologne and NRW.

The ifs is located in the creative and media quarter Schanzenstraße in Cologne-Mülheim – next door to TV production companies, studio facilities, publishing houses, a radio station and the municipal theater.



Foto Prof. Dr. Joachim Friedmann

Prof. Dr. Joachim Friedmann

Professur Serial Storytelling

Drehbuchautor u. a. IN ALLER FREUNDSCHAFT (Bambi Publikumspreis) und LINDENSTRAßE (Goldene Kamera, Grimme-Preis)


Foto Morgan Gendel
© Karen Sayre for Eikon Photography

Morgan Gendel

Writer and Producer (»Star Trek: The Next Generation«, »The 100«), USA
Foto Denise Harkavy

Denise Harkavy

Writer and Producer (»The Expanse«, »Manhunt«), USA
Laurie Hutzler, Dozentin im MA Serial Storytelling der ifs
© privat

Laurie Hutzler

Story Consultant / Story Advisor (»The Book of Elah«, »Tsotsi«, »Die Fälscher«) and Screenwriting Teacher (»The Emotional Toolbox«), USA
Foto Nicola Lusuardi

Nicola Lusuardi

Writer, Script Consultant, Story Editor and TV-Supervisor (»Gomorrah«, »The Young Pope«), Italy
Foto Richard Manning
© ifs

Richard Manning

MA Serial Storytelling

Television writer and producer (e.g. »Farscape«, »When Calls the Heart«, »TekWar«)
Taç Romey
© Taç Romey

Taç Romey


Autor, Produzent und Serienprofessor
Alkioni Valsari
© Alkioni Valsari

Alkioni Valsari

Writer and Script Consultant, Germany / Greece
Not a day goes by where I don’t access the tools I learned in the Serial Storytelling Programme. I’m not exaggerating when I say that ifs completely prepared me for the real world by teaching writers room skills, television structure and dramaturgy, as well as providing top tier networking opportunities – basically all the essentials to make it in the industry. The school is absolutely the reason that I have the writing career that I do today.

Natalie Thomas

Screenwriter, USA, (»How to Sell Drugs Online (Fast)«, Staffeln 2 und 3) | ifs-Alumna

Natalie Thomas
Even though the learning never stops, the MA Serial Storytelling has equipped me with the skills and experience necessary to launch me into a career as Serial Storyteller. The best thing about this program is that the support and network remains long after graduation.

Mar Bendocchi Alves

Writer, Germany

Foto Mar Bendocchi Alves
The ifs gave me a chance to explore all the incredible ways in which I can use my writing – from soaps to high end series, from comic books to theme park rides. Now I feel like I have all the tools I need to write that awesome show I always wanted to see on TV but nobody wanted to make (spoiler alert: my first series is about to debut in my home country).

Ljubica Luković

Screenwriter, Serbien (»Kljun«) | ifs-Alumna

Ljubica Lukovic

Fees and Financing

Study fees

The tuition fees for the MA Serial Storytelling are 2,750 Euros per semester for EU citizens and 3,750 Euros for non-EU citizens (This amount includes a 250 Euros contribution to the study fund »Friends of the ifs Society«).

The ifs is a cooperation partner of the TH Köln and all ifs students are enrolled at the TH Köln and can use the services offered by the TH, such as the semester ticket for public transport, access to the TH's International Office or to the sports courses and facilities.

Any further questions? We will be happy to help!

Carolin Groẞe Hellmann

Leitung Serial Storytelling


Leitung Weiterbildung Drehbuch


Leitung European Showrunner Programme

+49 221 920188261

Lea Merz

Assistenz Serial Storytelling

+49 221 920188249

Janina Jansen

Koordination fächerübergreifende Veranstaltungen


Studierenden- und Prüfungssservice

+49 221 920188226