David Seul
MA 3D Animation for Film & Games
David is a 3D Artist, cinematographer and colorist. His love for motion pictures led him from a small commercials studio in Cologne to Dortmund. There, he finished his film studies at University of Applied Arts and Sciences Dortmund in 2019, focussing on cinematography. His studies taught him about the impact that images have on their audience and how to craft images that drive a story. After working as a cinematographer on several short films and documentaries, he went on to work as a freelance 3D Artist on VR experiences, motion pictures and games. He joined the storylab kiU to explore new ways of telling stories. In 2020, he directed the animated short film „The Flowerpot Monster“ and since 2021, he works as a Layout Artist at „Lavalabs Moving Images“ on an animated feature film.