
Jorge Patiño

Jorge Patiño

MA Serial Storytelling

+49 177 6304180


JORGE PATINO was born in Caracas, Venezuela, and now lives in Cologne. As a child he discovered his love of books, reading, and stories, after his brother gifted him with a copy of Harry Potter for his birthday. His passion for films finds inspiration in Western and Asian Cinema. He completed a bachelor in Communications with a major in Audiovisual Arts at the Universidad Católica Andrés Bello and a diploma in film at La Escuela Nacional de Cine. He has worked in Film, TV & Theatre. A self-described citizen of the world, Jorge has lived in Venezuela, Argentina, Malta, and Germany.

I am a man obsessed with duality. This paradigm of perpetual contradiction at the core of our mortal existence is fascinating to me. It’s no coincidence that this series, like most of my writing, dwells on a dialogue between forces: magic-logic, past-present, life-death. You can never truly understand one without the other.

Jorge Patiño

Alumnus MA Serial Storytelling

Jorge Patiño - Graduate 2021 MA Serial Storytelling