
Margrét Örnólfsdóttir

Margrét Örnólfsdóttir

European Showrunner Programme



Writer | »The Flatey Enigma (Flateyjargátan)«, »Prisoners (Fangar)«



The Valhalla Murders | 2019

Series | Iceland | Writer

Trapped (season 2) | 2019

Series | Iceland | Writer

The Flatey Enigma (Flateyjargátan) | 2018

Series | Iceland | Head Writer

Prisoners (Fangar) | 2016

Series | Iceland | Head Writer

»For a while I’ve felt like a child that has outgrown its clothes – that my potential, skills and experience aren’t being used to its full capacity, and that I need to take a leap forward. I believe in constant personal and professional growth, with curiosity and human interest as my guiding light, and I believe in courage – that we need to ask »What more can we do? What next?«.
I never went to film school, and I see this program as a chance to educate myself in a more formal way – »my private film school«, so to speak.«

Margrét Örnólfsdóttir