Samar is an XR designer, creative director, multimedia producer and concept developer for print, web, motion and XR. She is also a copywriter, editor, translator, OSINT/digital researcher, and artist. A Canadian/Egyptian based in Germany, she has 25+ years of experience developing and producing ideas for international clients in a variety of sectors including film, television, architecture, agriculture, art, and science. Samar holds a MA in Digital Narratives. She is passionate about transforming complexity into engaging experiences that inspire reflection and transformation for social change. For her, changing the world begins with the personal story, with an understanding of how our own narrative, perspective and mindset affect and shape our environments. Her practice-based research explores transitions, liminality and liminal design, growth transformation processes, cultural heritage, educational development, and learning. Keen to share and collaborate with others in a creative and inspiring environment, Samar believes play, curiosity, joy, and awe are essential to creating experiences that foster personal and social connection. That and music, coffee, and kind people.