»The Resonating Eye – Where Music meets the Eye«
© Eliane Eid

1:1 CONCERTS / »The Resonating Eye«

Interactive Format

This concept’s main target is to create a bridge between the musician and the listener..Through the power of eyes, audio and photography, all the members of the 1 to 1 experience will end up with a souvenir that reminds them how important our connection can be.

By merging both eyes, and adding additional information in an interactive format, the audience and the musician will have something to take back home!

How the idea concept will take place: after scanning or taking a picture of the listener’s eyes,the eyes of both listener and musician will be collected digitally and will be sent to the listener and musician in order to share the power of connectivity and solidarity. This will help explore how beautiful eye portraits can develop or even how they might complete each other by creating a new world based on those two different irises. Those eyes will be the connection between the heart, the music and the soul. The image of the eyes will lead you to the information of the concert along with the musician’s name and the song that was played, as well as a chance to leave a digital message for the musician.


Visualization Video

© Eliane Eid