European Showrunner Think Tank
Industry Talks on Showrunning in Europe
The European Showrunner Training is flanked by several industry talks – both online and at major industry events. The European Showrunner Think Tank opens the discussion to industry audiences, focusing on core areas such as creative control, legal issues, and social responsibility. With the European Showrunner Think Tank, the ESP aims to contribute to discussing, defining, and eventually establishing the showrunner position in Europe.
This event is part of the European Showrunner Programme and is funded by the Creative Europe MEDIA Programme of the European Union.
Online and in person at major industry events
Participation in the European Showrunner Think Tank is free of charge
(in case of on-site panel discussions at industry events, access may be limited to accredited delegates)
Upcoming Events
The European Showrunner Think Tank explores and discusses the advantages and challenges of showrunning in Europe.
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Previous Events
Think Tank Recordings 2024
Think Tank Recordings 2023
Think Tank Recordings 2022
Carolin Groẞe Hellmann
Leitung Serial Storytelling
Leitung Weiterbildung Drehbuch
Leitung European Showrunner Programme
- Telefonnummer
- +49 221 920188261
Hannah Schorr
Koordinatorin European Showrunner Programme
Stellvertretende Gleichstellungsbeauftragte
- Telefonnummer
- +49 221 920188270