
Foto Jana Thüring

Jana Thüring

BA Film | Drehbuch


Drehbuchautorin (u. a. DAS KOMPLETTE SET)



JANA THÜRING is an international language teacher and copywriter and is currently in her final semester of the BA Film/Screenwriting at the ifs Internationale Filmschule Köln. She holds a Bachelor's degree in European Studies and has worked as an educator for academic institutions in Chile, England, and Switzerland. Her publications include short films, essays, articles, and short fictional stories. Most recently, she was invited to co-edit Prof. Dr. Joachim Friedmann's book "Storytelling for Media" (transcript, 2021) and has been appointed Summit Coordinator for the upcoming Clash-of-Realities conference 2022 in Cologne.
In addition to her professional responsibilities and studies programme she is a trained firefighter and an active member of the animal rescue community. Her current projects include research on Polynesian mythology, the secret life of Women over 60, and how to make fire the protagonist in a love story (Do I have a problem with Want and Need? Yes, I do. Does my protagonist lack the ability to change? Debatable. Will I give up writing that story? No way in hell!).






2019 | Kurzfilm

Beratung / Assistenz Aufnahmeleitung / Script Continuity

Sichere Sache an der L85

2022 | Spielfilm

Vorgestellt: Jana Thüring

© Sandra Schröder, Martina Di Lorenzo, Jonas Heicks

Showcase ifs-Filme und Drehbücher

Jana Thüring