»Do you feel lost? We can help.«
One of the assignments in the third semester was to develop an app or a game that includes storytelling elements.
The animated character Claire guides us through »Psychapp«, our »therapy app«, which includes a fun »personality test« determining whether or not you have a »disorder«, and a game, making it a multifunctional app providing different services.
»Psychapp« is for users who seek help as well as for users who just want to learn about different mental illnesses, disorders or addictions in an entertaining way. They may need help or know someone who does.
When the user enters the first page (home), he or she will be welcomed by our animated character Claire, our guide. Claire will explain to the users what they can do: They may choose between a more active and a more passive »personality test«, or to merely use the app as a source of information regarding different disorders, illnesses, and addictions. Other game characters »represent« stress, autism, eating disorders (binge eating, anorexia, bulimia), etc.
There will also be a section where Claire informs the users about different helplines all around the world dealing with illnesses, disorders, and addictions.